New Fiat 500 Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle

Freedom Motors has the all NEW Fiat 500 built to be wheelchair accessible.  They have combined subcompact with wheelchair accessible, load wheelchairs and scooters in throught the rear and never get parked in again.  Get up to 31 mpg in the Fiat 500 once it's wheelchair accessible.  Reliable manual operation means the ultimate in relaible transportation, it will also cost thousdands less to purchase, and will save hundreds if not thousands in service repairs in the future.

Rear Entry Wheelchair Accessible Fiat 500

Load wheelchairs quickly and reliably with your new wheelchair accessible Fiat 500.  With a lowred floor from the rear and a spring assisted manual operation ramp, the wheelchair accessible Fiat 500 allows you to express your personality and makes loading and unloading a breeze without fear of getting parked in again.